Exchanges with Sports Professionals
The HKSI maintains frequent exchanges with sports professionals in mainland China and overseas, in order to stay at the forefront of global trends in elite sports development in areas such as athlete training, coaching, sports science and sports management.

Members of the Preparatory Executive Committee of ASIA, with participants from international sports organisations.
One of the highlights of the year was the 2nd Annual Congress of the Association of Sports Institutes in Asia (ASIA), held at the HKSI on 28 and 29 April 2017, with over 60 mainland China, overseas and local scholars and professionals participating in the two-day event.
ASIA is the first association bringing together the region’s high performance training centres, and was founded in collaboration with the HKSI, Singapore Sports Council, Japan Sport Council and Aspire Academy from Qatar, in February 2015. Six sporting organisations – the Bangladesh Institute of Sports, the National Sports Institute of Malaysia, the Sports Science Academy of Nepal, the Philippine Olympic Committee, the National Youth Sports Institute (Singapore) and the National Sports Training Centre (Chinese Taipei) – were admitted as Members at the 1st Annual General Meeting held on the first day of the Congress.
The 2nd Annual Congress was an accredited event for celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the establishment of the HKSAR. It reflected the success of ASIA, through attracting participation by sporting organisations from mainland China, Bangladesh, Chinese Taipei, Japan, Malaysia, Nepal, the Philippines, Qatar, Singapore, Thailand, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea as well as the Netherlands.

The HKSI signed an MOU with the Preparation Office for the Olympic Games of the General Administration of Sport of China.
In November 2017, HKSI Chairman Dr Lam Tai-fai led HKSI delegation to visit Beijing, and met with the General Administration of Sport of China and its subsidiaries. The HKSI also signed an MOU with the Preparation Office for the Olympic Games of the General Administration of Sport of China, to enhance strategic coordination and leverage the advantages and resources of both parties to step up preparation for the 2020 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games, as well as the 2022 Winter Olympic Games.

A conference speaker demonstrates a psychological technique with a participant.
The HKSI and Hong Kong Society of Sport & Exercise Psychology jointly organised the Applied Sport Psychology Conference from 16 to 17 March 2018, focusing on preparation for the 2018 Asian Games and Asian Para Games.
The conference discussed the most topical psychological issues, including athlete-coach relationships, emotion control, coping with adversity, and “choking” in major competitions. Eight overseas and local professionals shared their varied experience during the two-day conference, which attracted more than 400 participants.

A demonstration teaching emergency care techniques and approaches.
The 2017 Hong Kong International Sports Medicine Symposium – jointly organised by Hong Kong Association of Sports Medicine and Sports Science, Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine, Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons, the HKSI and the Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology of the Chinese University of Hong Kong – was held at the HKSI from 29 to 30 September 2017.
The Symposium provided a unique opportunity for attendees to share information on, discuss and learn about the latest advances in sports medicine, ranging from emergency care to rehabilitation for sports injuries. A workshop on the first day and the main symposium on the second day focused on “Sports Injuries – From Emergency Care to Rehabilitation”, aiming to meet the needs of audience members with diverse backgrounds by covering both professional and community-related aspects. They offered a variety of new and cutting edge on-field emergency care techniques and approaches to clinical treatment, combined with overviews of current practices in rehabilitation management.

The HKSI organised seven Elite Training Seminars during the year. These provided an interactive platform for sharing information and experience between all stakeholders – including coaches, athletes, sport science and medicine professionals, NSAs, sport administrators, academics and students – on topics such as the effect of caffeine on exercise performance, application of sports performance data and the importance of sleep for athletes.

The HKSI received a number of local and international visitors during the year, exchanging views on topics such as youth sports development, sports science and service, high performance administration, coach education and elite training.
Notable local and overseas visitors included (in chronological order):
- Mr Brian Cookson, Union Cycling Internationale President
- Mr Toh Boon Yi, Chief, Singapore Sports Institute
- Mr Md Shamsur Rahman, Director General, Bangladesh Krira Shikkha Protishtan
- Mr Yang Guoqing, President, Nanjing Sport Institute
- Mr Shen Fulin, President, Shanghai Sports Institute
- Dr Lin Zinrong, CEO, National Sports Training Center (Chinese Taipei)
- Dr Mohd Khairi bin Zawi, CEO, National Sports Institute of Malaysia
- Dr Prakash Pradhan, Executive Director, Sports Science Academy of Nepal
- Mr Jose Cojuangco Jr, President, Philippine Olympic Committee
- Mr Tan Wearn Haw, Director, National Youth Sports Institute (Singapore)
- Dr Chan Wai-sin, President, Macao Physical Education and Sports Science Association
- Mr Zhou Dongbo, Aquatics Management Centre of Guangzhou
- Dr Sagar Preet Hooda, Director (Sports), Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Government of India
- Olympic Gold Medallist Sun Yang
- China and Japan’s Women’s Volleyball Teams
- Mr Frederic Magne, Director, UCI World Cycling Centre and Development Director, UCI
- Manchester United U-16 Team
- Dr Sebastien Le Garrec, Deputy Head of the INSEP Medical Department & Physician of the French National Team of Swimming
- Dr Jean Robert Filliard, Deputy Head of the INSEP Medical Department
- Ms Grace Fu, Minister for Culture, Community and Youth of Singapore and Ms Foo Teow Lee, Consul-General of Singapore in Hong Kong
- Mr Paul Chan Mo-po, Financial Secretary, HKSAR
- Mr Peter Miskimmin, Chief Executive of Sport New Zealand
- Mr Takahiro Waku, Deputy Director General of Japan Institute of Sports Sciences