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Elite Training

HKSI’s 21st Century Elite Training System


The HKSI’s elite sport system framework combines policy/management and science models to articulate a 21st century elite training delivery system. It is an athlete-centred system bounded by best practice principles of corporate governance on the one hand, and the scientific principles of the biopsychosocial model on the other. The biopsychosocial model of athlete development recognises the interaction of biological, psychological and socio-cultural factors which impact on athlete development.

The HKSI is structured to provide centralised, integrated support systems targeting all aspects of the athletes’ physiological, psychological, social support, and personal development needs. The critical success factors, which are directly related to the systematic development of elite athletes, are portrayed inside the circle, while support activities which are not directly related to individual athletes’ development, but which improve the provision and efficient functioning of the elite training system, are portrayed outside the circle.

The HKSI is the Government’s designated organisation to provide a world-standard training and support environment for high performance athletes, enabling them to excel in the international sporting arena.

Committed to providing science-based, athlete-centred support for elite training, we employ a multi-disciplinary biopsychosocial model to formulate our support strategy. Sustained funding support also plays a pivotal role in the athletes’ continuing success. The Elite Athletes Development Fund provides the HKSI with a stable, long-term source of funding, empowering us to ensure financial stability for elite athletes so they can focus wholeheartedly on training and international competitions.

Our facilities include an indoor Sports Complex featuring world standard training venues for badminton, billiard sports, fencing, karatedo, squash, table tennis, tenpin bowling and wushu, alongside integrated sports facilities for athletes with disabilities, an Athletic Field, an international standard indoor Swimming Complex, a Rowing Centre and Tennis Courts. Off-site facilities are also provided for other Tier A sports to cater to specific training needs.

Direct Financial Support to Athletes

In 2018/19, the HKSI provided HK$114.6 million to 1,128 athletes through five Direct Financial Support schemes (DFS) – Elite Training Grant (ETG), Sports Aid Grant (SAG), Sports Aid Grant for Athletes with Disabilities (SAGD), Individual Athletes Support Scheme (IASS) and the Jockey Club World Championships Performance Scheme (JCWCPS), to provide them with a financially stable environment in which to train and compete in Major Games.


Elite Training Grant




Sports Aid Grant




Sports Aid Grant for Athletes with Disabilities




Individual Athletes Support Scheme




Jockey Club World Championships Performance Scheme








* Also recipients of other DFS
Remarks: recipient lists are at Annex 3, Annex 4 and Annex 5.

Tier A & Tier B Sports

Under the Government’s Elite Vote Support Scheme, achievements of both senior and junior athletes at major international competitions serve as the selection criteria for identifying the high performance sports to be supported by the HKSI for a four-year period. Sports are categorised into three levels: Tier A*, Tier A and Tier B. A review is conducted every two years and is aligned with the Asian Games and the Olympic Games cycles to provide stable support for the sports during the four-year support cycle.

In 2018/19, 19 Tier A sports – athletics, badminton, billiard sports, cycling, fencing, gymnastics, karatedo, rowing, rugby sevens, sailing, skating, squash, swimming, table tennis, tennis, tenpin bowling, triathlon, windsurfing and wushu – were supported by the HKSI and provided with funding for elite training, dedicated coaching teams led by a Head Coach, full sports science and sports medicine support, and athlete development programmes. Four of these sports – badminton, cycling, table tennis and windsurfing – whose athletes have consistently performed at the highest level and have the potential to win medals at the Olympics were selected as Tier A* sports. They have received additional resources required to enhance specific areas of their Olympic preparation programmes up to the year 2020.

Funding and support were also provided to 13 Tier B sports – dance sports, dragon boat, equestrian, golf, judo, karting, lawn bowls, lifesaving, mountaineering, orienteering, roller sports, shuttlecock and taekwondo – to support the corresponding Elite Training Programmes.

Pilot Scheme for Elite Vote Support System for Disability Sports

To strengthen support for disability sports, the Government implemented a Pilot Scheme for Elite Vote Support System for Disability Sports in December 2017 to provide full-time training options for athletes with disabilities and programme funding support. The scheme covers eight sports that are divided into two categories, namely Tier A and Tier B, based on past performance and the standards achieved. Tier A includes swimming and table tennis for athletes with intellectual disabilities; and boccia, table tennis and wheelchair fencing for athletes with physical disabilities. Tier B includes badminton, lawn bowls and tenpin bowling for athletes with physical disabilities.

At the 2018 Asian Para Games, pilot scheme athletes won a total of 36 medals, comprising 9 gold, 12 silver and 15 bronze, which accounted for 75% of the total 48 medals won by the Hong Kong delegation. These encouraging results demonstrated the effectiveness of the pilot scheme, which had been well-received by athletes since its implementation.

As at 31 March 2019, a total of 50 athletes with disabilities had joined the pilot scheme, 30 of whom were in full-time training. Review of the pilot scheme was underway with a view to developing a long-term Elite Vote Support System for elite disability sports.

Five-Year Development Programme for Team Sports

The Government implemented a five-year development programme for team sports in January 2018, aiming to progressively enhance the performance of team sports, with a view to attaining elite sports status in the future. This programme covers eight team sports with team sizes of five or above featured in the 2018 Asian Games, namely baseball, basketball, handball, hockey, ice hockey, softball, volleyball and water polo. The programme provides additional funding to the eight relevant NSAs to formulate and implement training programmes for Hong Kong to compete in the Asian Games. It also offers HK$4,000 of financial support every month to each of the 200 plus Hong Kong team members.

The eight NSAs would receive additional funding ranging from HK$420,000 to HK$700,000 or more for each team per year according to the number of team members and performance at the 2018 Asian Games.

Funding for NSAs

In 2018/19, a total of HK$21.25 million was provided to support Tier A sports for international title events held outside Hong Kong, and their national/junior squad training programmes. The HKSI also provided HK$25.3 million to the Hong Kong Paralympic Committee & Sports Association for the Physically Disabled and the Hong Kong Sports Association for Persons with Intellectual Disability to support their Elite Training Programmes.

Scientific Support

In order to provide science-based, athlete-centred support for elite training, the HKSI uses the multi-disciplinary biopsychosocial model to formulate its support strategy. There are six centres in the Elite Training Science & Technology Division: the Scientific Conditioning Centre, Sport Biomechanics & Technology Centre, Sport Nutrition Monitoring Centre, Sport Psychology Centre, Sports Medicine Centre and Sports Information & External Affairs Centre. They work as a team to identify any training issues or concerns, and develop evidence-based solutions with coaches. The support procedures are regularly updated through continuous monitoring, discussion and benchmarking against the latest research data. Each year, the Division works with NSAs to verify and develop potential talent through talent identification programmes, and organises seminars, lectures and workshops for athletes and coaches, NSAs, local and overseas tertiary and sports institutes, as well as collaborative partners. Publications are produced to boost education and foster exchanges between the HKSI and other elite sport professionals in applied sports science and medicine.

Overseas On-field Support Provided to Athletes
(No. of Staff Days)



Sport Nutrition



Sport Psychology



Sports Medicine

bio and tech


Sport Biomechanics & Technology



Scientific Conditioning

Consultations/Treatment Sessions Provided to Athletes



Sport Nutrition



Sport Psychology



Sports Medicine

Participants in Talent Identification Programmes



























Tenpin Bowling





