<p>Mr Lam Kwok-hing MH JP Honorary Consul, Executive Vice Chairman of Hong Kong Shine Tak Foundation (2<sup>nd</sup> from right); Ms Marie Lee, Founder of SFHF (2<sup>nd</sup> from left); Mr Wong Po-kee MH, Honorary Deputy Secretary General of the SF&amp;OC (3<sup>rd</sup> from right), Mr Raymond Chiu, Chairman of the HKSPA (1<sup>st</sup> from left) and Mr Tony Choi MH, Chief Executive of HKSI (1<sup>st</sup> from right) officiated at the kick-off ceremony of the Shine Tak Foundation Outstanding Junior Athlete Awards 2024.</p>
Mr Lam Kwok-hing MH JP Honorary Consul, Executive Vice Chairman of Hong Kong Shine Tak Foundation (2nd from right); Ms Marie Lee, Founder of SFHF (2nd from left); Mr Wong Po-kee MH, Honorary Deputy Secretary General of the SF&OC (3rd from right), Mr Raymond Chiu, Chairman of the HKSPA (1st from left) and Mr Tony Choi MH, Chief Executive of HKSI (1st from right) officiated at the kick-off ceremony of the Shine Tak Foundation Outstanding Junior Athlete Awards 2024.