Sports Bulletin
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Sports Bulletin December 2005


I. Sporting Achievements

II. Other News

Hong Kong cycling team excelled in the 10 th Tour of South China Sea

The 10th Tour of South China Sea was held on 26 December 2005 – 2 January 2006. The 8-stage tour started in Hong Kong, moved to Shenzhen, Foshan, Guangzhou, Jiangmen, Zhongshan, Zhuhai and finalised in Macau.

Wu Kin-sun became the youngest-ever overall champion of the Tour. He won the Greater China Rider (Blue Jersey) Award and the Best Young Rider Award. He also came first in the General Individual Classification (Yellow Jersey). Wu, aged 20, was identified through the Searching for New Sport Stars programme of the HKSI in 1999. He was later selected for formal training and was recruited into the National Squad in 2002.

Wong Kam-po, a four-time champion, was awarded the Best Sprinter (Orange Jersey).

The Hong Kong team won all 8 stages for the first time and captured their first-ever overall team champion of the Tour.

From left: Wong Kam-po,Wu Kin-sun

Elite results roundup (15 November – 14 December 2005)

Name Event Position/ Entry
2005 Wilson Chinese Taipei Open Wiratama Yohan Hadikusumo Men's Singles 3rd/ 64
(15/11/2005, Taipei)
25th Asian Cycling Championships, 2005 Wong Wan-yiu Elite Women Scratch Race 8km 5th/ 15
(18/12/2005, Ludhiana)
Cheung King-wai Elite Men Point Race 30km 4th/ 21
Wong Kam-po 7th/ 21
Wu Kin-san Elite Men Elimination 7th/ 21
Wong Kin-chung Elite Men 200M Flying Start 4th/ 18
Wong Kin-chung Elite Men Sprint 5th/ 18
Lam Kai-tsun Individual Road Race 4th/ 68
Wong Kam-po Individual Time Trial 35km 4th/ 16
12th Asian Junior Cycling Championships, 2005 Lee Wai-sze Junior Women Scratch Race 6km 2nd/ 9
(18/12/2005, Ludhiana)
Chui Chi-sek Junior Men Mass Start 70km 4th/ 42
Szeto Hin-leung 8th/ 42
10th Tour of South China Sea Wong Kam-po General Individual Classification 2nd/ 74
(2/1/2006, HK/China/Macau) Wu Kin-san 1st/ 74
Chan Chun-hing General Team Classification 1st/ 13
Cheung King-wai
Lam Kai-tsun
Tang Wang -yip
Wong Kam-po
Wu Kin-san
Scottish Junior Open 2005 Lee Ka-man, Carmen Girls under 15 3rd/ 21
(27/12/2005, Edinburgh) Liu Tsz-ling 2nd/ 21
Leung Shin-nga Girls under 17 1st/ 38
Table Tennis
Liebherr Swedish Open Championships 2005 Tie Yana Women's Singles 2nd/ 124
(17/11/2005, Gothenburg)
Tie Yana Women's Doubles 1st/ 62
Zhang Rui
Lin Ling 2nd/ 62
Song Ah-sim
Volkswagen Pro Tour Grand Final Tie Yana Women's Singles 3rd/ 16
(09/12/2005, Fuzhou)
Ko Lai-chak Men's Singles 5th/ 16
Ko Lai-chak Men's Doubles 3rd/ 8
Li Ching
18th Asian Cup Tie Yana Women's Singles 3rd/ 10
(18/12/2005, New Delhi) Zhang Rui 3rd/ 10
Li Ching Men's Singles 3rd/ 12
Heng Da Women World Cup Lin Ling Women's Singles 5th/ 16
(14/12/2005, Guangzhou) Tie Yana 4th/ 16
8th World Wushu Championships Wong Wun-yee Women's Daoshu 4th/ 10
(14/12/2005, Hanoi)
Law Sum-yin Women's Nandao 5th/ 16
Tsang Angie 2nd/ 16
Cheng Ka-ho Men's Nandao 5th/ 35
Hei Zhi-hong Men's Jianshu 5th/ 43
Ho Pak-kei Women's Qiangshu 6th/ 23
Wong Wun-yee 4th/ 23
Hei Zhi-hong Men's Qiangshu 5th/ 36
Ho Pak-kei Women's Dual Events 2nd/ 5
Wong Wun-yee
Chan Siu-kit Men's Dual Events 4th/ 15
Cheng Chung-hang
To Yu-hang
Cheng Chung-hang Men's Gunshu 2nd/ 58
Law Sum-yin Women's Nangun 6th/ 17
Tsang Angie 1st/ 17
Cheng Ka-ho Men's Nangun 1st/ 41
Ho Pak-kei Women's Taijijian 7th/ 23
Tang Siu-kong Men's Taijijian 5th/ 26
Wong Wun-yee Women's Chiangquan 5th/ 29
Law Sum-yin Women's Nanquan 5th/ 18
Tsang Angie 7th/ 18
Ho Pak-kei Women's Taijiquan 4th/ 26
Hei Zhi-hong Men's Taijiquan 7th/ 27
Tang Siu-kong 4th/ 27
Hong Kong Sports Association for the Mentally Handicapped
4th INAS-FID Table Tennis World Championships Lai Wai-ling Women's Singles 1st/ 28
(22/11/2005, Thouars)
Lai Wai-ling Women's Doubles 1st/ 11
Wong Ka-man
Lai Wai-ling Women's Team 1st/ 10
Wong Ka-man
Yeung Chi-ka
Hong Kong Paralympic Committee & Sports Association for the Physically Disabled
Paris Wheelchair Fencing World Cup Yu Chui-yee Women's Epee (Ind.) Cat A 1st/ 18
(25/11/2005, Paris) Fan Pui-shan 3rd/ 18
Chan Yui-chong Women's Epee (Ind.) Cat B 1st/ 11
Yu Chui-yee Women's Foil (Ind.) Cat A 1st/ 18
Chan Yui-chong Women's Foil (Ind.) Cat B 1st/ 11
Hui Charn-hung Men's Foil (Ind.) Cat B 6th/ 18
Cheong Meng-chai Men's Sabre (Ind.) Cat A 6th/ 19
Hui Charn-hung Men's Sabre (Ind.) Cat B 3rd/ 14
Chan Wing-kin Team 3rd/ 7
Cheong Meng-chai
Hui Charn-hung
Tai Yan Yun


International Scientific Symposium – The Emerging Science and Practice of Recovery

The HKSI is organising an International Scientific Symposium on 24 - 25 February 2006. The Symposium is supported by the International Federation of Sports Medicine, the CUHK-WHO Collaborating Centre for Sports Medicine and Health Promotion, and the Hong Kong Association of Sports Medicine & Sports Science. The Symposium focuses on the planning and integration of systematic recovery programming, targeting the needs of athletes and coaches within the Asia-Pacific region. Renowned speakers in the field have been invited to share their expertise through keynote presentations, workshops and an expert panel discussion. This will be a valuable opportunity to share expertise and get the most up-to-date scientific knowledge from experts in the field.

Two new workshops have now been included in the programme:

Workshop 1
Date/ Time: Friday, 24 February 2006, 12:30pm – 13:00pm
Speaker: Dr James Lam, Specialist in Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Private Practice, Hong Kong
Topic: Recovery period concerns: Orthopaedic perspective

Workshop 2
Date/ Time: Saturday, 25 February 2006, 12:15pm – 12:45pm
Speaker: Dr Gary Mak, Sports Cardiologist, Private Practice, Hong Kong
Topic: Recovery period: a time for relaxing, or rather, one critically vulnerable moment? – Comments from a cardiologist

There will also be two post-Symposium workshops on 26 February 2006:

Workshop 3
Time: 9:00am – 11:00am
Speaker: Dr Jean Jacques Rivet, University of Montpellier, France
Topic: Quick recovery from injury

Workshop 4
Time: 11:30am – 12:30pm
Speaker: Mr Xu Zheng Zheng, Hong Kong Sports Institute, Hong Kong
Topic: Application of Chinese manual therapy in recovery

For registration, please visit

The deadline for registration is 31 January 2006.

For sponsorship opportunities, please contact the Public Affairs & Marketing Department at (852) 2681 6532, or via email at

Exchange and Visits

Canada and the Netherlands wushu teams conducted a one-week training stint with the Hong Kong wushu team at the HKSI.

Canada and Netherlands wushu teams, comprising a total of 15 coaches and athletes, arrived at the HKSI on 1 December 2005 to undergo a seven-day training stint with Hong Kong elite wushu performers, in preparation for the 8 th World Wushu Championships held on 8 - 15 December 2005 in Hanoi, Vietnam.

New Reference at the Sports Information Centre (SIC)

The complete guide to sports massage

Written by Tim Paine and published by A & C Black (Publishers) Ltd., this book is a comprehensive guide to sports massage. It explains how sports massage can improve muscle flexibility and enhance performance, with chapters on human anatomy, massage techniques and practical application. This book also covers injury management and post-massage care. Students and professionals of sports therapy will find it useful and easy to read.

Advanced strength training (DVD)

Produced by Human Kinetics in 2005 and hosted by Dana Brown and Dan Drury, the DVD introduces key concepts and demonstrates advanced techniques on strength training. In addition, it covers various high-volume training methods and introduces high-intensity training programmes for strength and conditioning coaches and trainers.