Financial Highlights
2017/18 HK$ million | 2016/17 HK$ million | Changes % | |
Total Income | 596.8 | 522 | 14 |
Total Expenditure | 588.4 | 514.6 | 14 |
Surplus | 8.4 | 7.4 | 14 |
The allocation from the Elite Athletes Development Fund (“EADF”) is the HKSI’s main source of income. Total EADF allocation received by the HKSI in 2017/18 was HK$520.4 million (2016/17 HK$450.9 million), of which HK$88.3 million is designated to “Direct Financial Support to Athletes” (“DFS”), and the balance of HK$432.1 million is a one-line vote funding for elite training programme and the HKSI’s operation.
Total expenditure in 2017/18 was HK$588.4 million, of which 75% of the expenditure was on elite training programme and DFS. The increase in the number of elite athletes, enhanced support (financial, educational and personal development) for elite athletes, and both the new pilot scheme for Disability Sports and enhancement programme for team-only sports which were introduced in the 2017 Policy Address, contributed to the increase in the 2017/18 expenditure.
By allocating resources strategically and taking a prudent approach to expenditure spending, the HKSI achieved a surplus of HK$8.4 million in 2017/18, which was transferred to general reserve.

For the financial year ended 31 March 2018