Vision, Mission, Values

Guided by the Government’s current policy direction, and using its professional expertise in elite sport, the HKSI’s vision is to become the region’s elite training systems delivery leader by providing state-of-the-art, evidence-based, elite sports training and athlete support systems resulting in sustainable world-class sports results.

In its role as the Government’s elite sport training systems delivery agent, the HKSI is committed to working in partnership with the Government, the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China (SF&OC) and the National Sports Associations (NSAs) to provide an environment in which sports talent can be identified, nurtured, and developed to pursue excellence in the international sporting arena.

The HKSI holds that sport constitutes a fundamental social institution central to achieving public health goals of healthy, productive, united communities. The HKSI operates in an environment characterised by an uncompromising and ethical pursuit of excellence in sport through:
- Integrity
- Accountability to process and outcome
- Collegial stakeholder engagement
- Collaboration and teamwork
- Inclusivity
- To provide an environment in which talented Hong Kong sportsmen and sportswomen have the opportunity to achieve at the highest level in sport and advancement in sports education.
- To be a delivery agent in the provision of high performance sport for talented sportsmen and sportswomen in Hong Kong, under the policy direction of the Secretary for Home Affairs, enabling them to achieve international success so as to enhance the reputation of Hong Kong and benefit the community of Hong Kong.
- To formulate and prepare schemes for and establish and take all necessary steps for the promotion, maintenance, improvement and advancement of the interest of the public in Hong Kong and elsewhere in elite sports and various related forms.
- To work closely with the SF&OC and NSAs or other organisations of similar nature in the education, training and developing of Hong Kong talented sportsmen and sportswomen to achieve success in Major Games and international sporting events.
- To work closely with the NSAs and other bodies in the identification of talent for elite sports training.
- To cooperate with different sectors of the community, education and sports training institutions, both local and in other places, in the delivery of elite sports training programmes.
- To assist athletes under training in the HKSI in their education and vocational training, and their longer term personal and career development.
- To provide sports science and sports medicine services to elite athletes and coaches, catering for the needs of the athletes undergoing their sports training programmes.
- To facilitate and sponsor elite sport-related research and studies; and to educate, disseminate knowledge and advice on these matters to the sports community for the enhancement of high performance sport.
- To provide sports information service to meet the needs of athletes, coaches, NSAs, physical education specialists, and sports science and sports medicine professionals.
- To provide coach education and development, coach accreditation and coach registration.
- To promote the exchange of information, experience, international understanding and goodwill in elite sport education and training.