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Developing Coaches

The HKSI has established a comprehensive range of coaching services to meet the needs of athletes and local sports development. Our Coach Education Department is responsible for implementing the Coach Education Programme and the Coaching Awards in Hong Kong on behalf of the Hong Kong Coaching Committee (HKCC), which is a joint committee of the SF&OC and the HKSI.

Hong Kong Jockey Club Coach Education Programme

Funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust with a total donation of some HK$9.7 million since November 2015, the Hong Kong Jockey Club Coach Education Programme (HKJCCEP) aims to ensure quality and internationally benchmarked coaching is maintained at all levels of sports to drive long-term sports development in Hong Kong.

The HKJCCEP has three main components: the Jockey Club Elite Coaching Development Programmes, the Jockey Club Coaching Accreditation Programmes, and the Jockey Club Community Education and Coach Recognition Programmes. In 2018/19, a total of 2,368 coaches benefited from the HKJCCEP.


Coaches Benefited from HKJCCEP in 2018/19


Coach Education & Accreditation Programmes Organised


Degree Programme


QF-accredited Courses


Introductory Courses


Seminars & Talks

2018 Jockey Club Hong Kong Coaching Awards

The annual Jockey Club Hong Kong Coaching Awards presentation ceremony was held on 27 April 2019 to recognise 205 dedicated coaches who work hard to nurture Hong Kong athletes to pursue outstanding sporting results at both regional and international sporting arenas. The ceremony was officiated by Mr Lau Kong-wah, Secretary for Home Affairs. The HKCC received a record 255 nominations for the 2018 Awards in seven categories: Coach of the Year Awards, Distinguished Services Award for Coaching, Coach Education Award, Best Team Sport Coach Award, Coaching Excellence Awards, Community Coach Recognition Awards and School Coach Recognition Awards. Recipients of the individual awards were as follows:

Awards Recipients
Coach of the Year AwardsSenior Athletes,
Individual Sport
Shen Jinkang (cycling)
 Senior Athletes,
Team Event
Kwok Hart-wing (boccia)
Chiu Wing-yin (squash)
 Junior Athletes,
Individual Sport
Octavian Zidaru (fencing)
 Junior Athletes,
Team Event
Lo Wan-kei (rowing)
Distinguished Services Award for CoachingGuan Jianhua (table tennis)
Coach Education AwardHun King-chi (dragon boat)
Best Team Sport Coach AwardPaul John (rugby)

A total of 113 coaches were awarded the Coaching Excellence Awards, while the Community Coach Recognition Awards were presented to 37 coaches. Forty-seven full-time teachers received the School Coach Recognition Awards to honour their efforts towards promoting sports in local schools.

26th Jockey Club Elite Coaches Conference

The 26th Jockey Club Elite Coaches Conference was held on 15 and 16 October 2018 at Beijing Sport University (BSU). Co-organised by the HKCC and the All China Sports Federation, this event was supported by speakers from Japan, Singapore, mainland China and Hong Kong who presented on the theme “Talent Identification”, aiming to cultivate more elite athletes. Around 50 Hong Kong coaches from 19 sports attended the conference in Beijing for exchanges with experts and peers.

Other Courses & Seminars

In addition to exchanging coaching knowledge with local and overseas counterparts, regular courses and seminars were also organised for coaches at all levels from community to elite, so as to help them develop the latest skills, enhance their level of recognition and facilitate career advancement.

The Bachelor of Education in Sports Training Programme, organised by BSU and administered by the HKSI, is the first degree course in sports training delivered in Chinese. The qualification is equivalent to a degree from BSU and widely recognised in other countries. A Graduation Ceremony and First Assembly was held on 30 September 2018 at the HKSI for nine graduates from the 2013 Class and 19 students of the new 2018 Class. Since receiving its first intake in 1999, the programme has nurtured many elite athletes and professional coaches in Hong Kong. As at 31 March 2019, a total of 88 students had completed the course, while 30 are still in the course of study.

To enhance the professional recognition of coaches, three new cohorts were organised for the Foundation Certificate in Sports Coaching Theory (FSC) course in April, July and October 2018; and one cohort for the Certificate in Advanced Sports Coaching Theory (ASC) course in February 2019. The FSC and ASC were accredited by the Qualifications Framework (QF) of the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications at QF Levels 2 and 3 respectively, and the ASC was successfully re-validated in 2018/19 and granted a four-year validity period until January 2023. In addition, four Introductory Sports Coaching Courses were held to address NSAs’ needs in training new coaches at the community level.

During the year, 13 seminars and talks were also held under the Jockey Club High Performance Coaches Development Programme, the Jockey Club Continuing Coach Education Programme and the Jockey Club Community Education Programmes on Coaching Profession, attracting attendance by nearly 2,100 coaches and members of the public.

In addition, a total subvention of HK$1.02 million was provided by the HKCC to NSAs to organise 101 short-term coach education and recognition programmes, which collectively benefited about 3,000 coaches.