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Engaging the Community

During 2018/19, the HKSI collaborated with various stakeholders and community partners to promote elite sports development in Hong Kong, implementing 783 community engagement programmes. In order to maximise the visibility of elite sport and connect athletes with the community, access was provided to over 53,000 participants at the HKSI and to more than 1.1 million at outreach events.


Community Engagement Programmes


Participants in Engagement Activities


Community Engagement Revenue


Social Media Platforms’ Likes and Followers*


Total Sponsorship Secured


*As at 31 March 2019

HKSI Open Day

The HKSI Open Day on 19 and 20 January 2019 attracted an enrolment of over 5,000 visitors, highlighting the growing public awareness for elite sports development. The event allowed the participants to visit the HKSI’s world-class training facilities, as well as to get up close and personal with the elite athletes and learn more about the HKSI’s training system and work.

The first day was exclusively designed for schools, during which students from 15 schools, including those under the HKSI’s Elite Athlete-friendly School Network and Partnership School Programme, toured barrier-free elite training facilities and took part in fitness tests and athletes’ sharing sessions. The two-day Open Day event offered guided tours that showcased state-of-the-art training facilities, including the Athletic Field, Badminton Hall, Fitness Training Centre, Rowing Centre, Squash Courts, Swimming Complex, Table Tennis Hall, Tennis Courts, Tenpin Bowling Centre and Wushu Hall. Participants had a glimpse behind the scenes of Hong Kong elite athletes training. Various activities, such as “Meet the Athletes” session, “Healthy Kitchen”, a series of sports demonstrations and tryouts, were also featured. Participants were impressed by the advanced facilities and all-round support provided by the HKSI.

Other Collaboration

To reach out to the community, the HKSI participated in the 61st Festival of Sport Carnival Opening Ceremony organised by the SF&OC and the Hong Kong Sports and Leisure Expo hosted by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council in April and July 2018 respectively. A booth with interactive sports fitness and science tests was set up for both events, and exhibits from elite athletes, such as the bicycle used by Wong Kam-po in the 2007 World Championships and the gloves used by Lee Wai-sze at the London 2012 Olympics, were displayed at the Expo’s booth. In addition, Hong Kong athletes were invited as sharing guests at both opening ceremonies. The two events attracted over 1 million visitors.

Promotional Activities

Aiming to solicit public support for local sports and Hong Kong elite athletes, and to inspire talented young people to pursue their sporting dreams, the HKSI launched its official Facebook page, Instagram account and YouTube channels in 2018. They were well received by sports fans and the public, accumulating over 10,000 likes and followers. The HKSI Facebook page was the fourth most reached major online sports media page during the Asian Games period.

To introduce and highlight the comprehensive support offered to athletes, the HKSI produced a promotional video and eight mini-movies during the year. They were broadcast on NowTV from July 2018 to January 2019, and released on the HKSI’s YouTube channel and official website.

In addition, a total of 26 athletes were lined up as guests for sharing sessions, seminars and promotional activities for 26 organisations.

Under the Jockey Club Athlete Incentive Awards Scheme Public Education Campaign, a series of activities such as school visits, social media promotions, public exhibitions and a microfilm competition were organised to inspire youngsters and the public with the sporting spirit and to encourage them to support the elite athletes preparing for the 2018 Asian Games and Asian Para Games. A total of 15,000 students and 550,000 citizens were reached through the 18-month campaign. 

The HKSI was presented with the 2018/19 Market Leadership Award in Elite Sports by the Hong Kong Institute of Marketing, to recognise the HKSI's outstanding performance in marketing strategies and brand building.


The HKSI works closely with the media to give the public the latest news about Hong Kong athletes. 

A total of 17 meet-the-media sessions were organised from July to September 2018 for athletes to share their preparation of the Asian Games and the Asian Para Games. On 14 September 2018, the HKSI Chairman also met the media to share how the HKSI assisted athletes to perform their best at the Asian Games. 

To boost morale of Hong Kong athletes, the “Henderson Land Commendation Scheme for Elite Athletes” Press Conference was held on 23 July 2018 to announce additional cash awards for Hong Kong athletes winning medals at the Asian Games and Asian Para Games. About 100 guests and members of the media attended the event. 

In 2018/19, the HKSI issued 56 media releases and invitations, arranged 69 interviews, and clipped 5,118 newspaper articles related to HKSI activities.


A total of HK$29.74 million in cash and in-kind sponsorships as well as donations were secured during the fiscal year. This support was allocated directly to the HKSI’s programmes and Scholarship Athletes. The HKSI gratefully acknowledges the organisations listed below, all of whom generously assisted with the development of Hong Kong elite sport in 2018/19.


Special Acknowledgement



Event Sponsors*

henderson land group
sports for hope foundation



Action Foundation
blue cross

* In alphabetical order