Sports Bulletin
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Sports Bulletin December 2006

Removal Notice

The new address of the Hong Kong Sports Institute effective from 1 January 2007 is as follows:

2 On Chun Street
Ma On Shan,
Sha Tin, N.T.
Hong Kong

(Phone no., fax no., URL and email address remain unchanged)


I. Sporting Achievements

II. Other News

Cycling team wins 2 medals at the 11th Tour of South China Sea

The Hong Kong cycling team won 2 silver medals at the 11th Tour of South China Sea held on 25 – 30 December 2006. The 6-stage tour started in Hong Kong, and then moved to Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Foshan, Zhuhai to finish in Macau.

Tang Wang-yip came second in the General Individual Classification and was awarded the Best Greater China rider. The team came second in the Team Classification.

Squash player Chiu Wing-yin wins her first Buler Squash Challenge Cup title

The Hong Kong squash player Chiu Wing-yin took the women's title in a straight games at the Buler Squash Challenge Cup held on 17 – 21 January 2007 in Hong Kong. Wong Wai-hang finished second in the men's event.

Chiu Wing-yin

Wong Wai-hang

Elite results roundup (15 November – 14 December 2006)

HKSI holds a media tour of its facilities at the Wu Kwai Sha Youth Village

The HKSI held a media tour of its facilities at the Wu Kwai Sha Youth Village on 23 January 2007. Over 30 journalists representing 17 media organisations participated in the tour. They visited the training facilities, athletes' hostel and various ancillary facilities.


�X The Hongkong Bank Foundation Continuing Coach Education Programme (CCEP)

A seminar on "Sports risk management" organised by the Hong Kong Coaching Committee was held on 8 December 2006 at the Hong Kong Sports Institute (HKSI). Solicitor Mr. Fok Woo-ping presented a seminar in basic legal issues related to sports professionals and risk management in sport. Over 60 coaches attended the seminar.

HKSI staff team performs well in the 2006 Corporate Games

Winner of the men's 200m event – Cheung Pak-ming

Congratulations to the HKSI staff team for winning a gold, silver and bronze medal in the men's 200m, men's 1500m, and men's individual distance track event at the 2006 Corporate Games. The Games were held between October 2006 and January 2007 and are an annual sport promotional activity organised by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department for employers and employees of local private and public organisations.