Sports Bulletin
ChineseOnline Subscription

Sports Bulletin November 2006

Removal Notice

The headquarters of the HKSI will move to Wu Kwai Sha Youth Village. New address is effective from 1 January 2007 as follows:

Hong Kong Sports Institute
2 On Chun Street
Ma On Shan,
Sha Tin, N.T.
Hong Kong

(Phone no., fax no., URL and email address remain unchanged)


I. Sporting Achievements

II. Other News

Hong Kong team wins 28 medals at the 15th Asian Games

Congratulations to the Hong Kong team for winning a record high of 6 gold, 12 silver and 10 bronze medals at the 15th Asian Games held on 1 – 15 December in Doha, Qatar. A total of 281 athletes represented Hong Kong in 28 events at the Games.

Hong Kong team wins 80 medals at the 9th FESPIC Games

Congratulations to the Hong Kong team for winning 25 gold, 30 silver and 25 bronze medals at the 9th FESPIC Games held on 25 November – 1 December in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A total of 137 athletes represented Hong Kong in 14 events at the Games.

Table tennis team (Hong Kong Sports Association for the Mentally Handicapped) wins 7 medals at the 3rd INAS-FID Open European Table Tennis Championships

The Hong Kong table tennis team (Hong Kong Sports Association for the Mentally Handicapped) won 3 gold and 4 bronze medals at the 3rd INAS-FID Open European Table Tennis Championships held on 3-9 December in Mirandela, Portugal.




Lai Wai-ling

Women's singles

Gold medal

Wong Ka-man

Women's singles

Bronze medal

Lai Wai-ling, Wong Ka-man

Women's doubles

Gold medal

Lai Wai-ling, Wong Ka-man,

Wong Man-yan, Yeung Chi-ka

Women's team

Gold medal

Lam Hiu-kong , So King-kwok

Men's doubles

Bronze medal

Lam Hiu-kong, Ng Ho-yin,

So King-kwok

Men's team

Bronze medal

Lai Wai-Ling, Lam Hiu-kong

Mixed doubles

Bronze medal


Elite results roundup (15 October – 14 November)

Name Event Position / No. of Entries
China Open 2006 Wang Chen Women's singles 3rd/ 56
(16/10/2006, Guangzhou)
Chan Yan-kit Men's singles 5th/ 64
Meersquash Open 2006 Ng Jia-yunn Women's singles 3rd/ 19
(9/11/2006, Hoofddorp)
2006 Mistral World Championships Chan Wai-kei IMCO Women 6th/ 19
(24/10/2006, Shenzhen)
Chan King-yin IMCO Men 2nd/ 27
Cheng Kwok-fai 1st/ 27
FedEx 2006 RS:X Asian Championships Chan Wai-man RS:X Women 3rd/ 8
(30/10/2006, Hong Kong)
Ma Kwok-po RS:X Men 3rd/ 13
Yu Wing-ho 4th/ 13
Leung Ho-tsun RS:X Youth 3rd/ 14
Ma Yik-kau 1st/ 14
Tang Kang-to 4th/ 14

The Hongkong Bank Foundation Continuing Coach Education Programme (CCEP)

Registered Physiotherapist Tse Long-sing shared his experience in shoulder rehabilitation and introduced different kinds of muscle strengthening exercises at a CCEP seminar organised by the Hong Kong Coaching Committee held on 11 November at the Hong Kong Sports Institute (HKSI). Over 80 coaches attended the seminar.

Macau Sport Development Board representatives visit the HKSI

Accompanied by representatives of the Home Affairs Bureau, a 12-member Macau Sport Development Board visited the HKSI on 5 December. The delegation exchanged views with the HKSI management on elite training and support services. They also toured the HKSI's elite sports training facilities.


New references at the Sports Information Centre (SIC)

Biochemistry primer for exercise science

Written by Michael E. Houston and published by Human Kinetics in 2006, this book interprets biochemistry concepts in the context of exercise science. The book includes review questions and answers, a list of abbreviations and a glossary, and chapter summaries to help readers comprehend and apply the content. Professionals and students of exercise science and biochemistry will find it useful.

Human resource management in Olympic sport organisations

Written by Packianathan Chelladurai and Alberto Madella, and published by Human Kinetics in 2006, the book outlines the human resources issues that Olympic-related sport organisations may encounter and suggests guidelines for resolving these issues. The book covers topics in organisational justice, staffing, leadership, performance appraisal, reward systems, empowerment of workers, diversity management, and handling of conflict. The book is a useful reference to sport managers and people employed in Olympic-related organisations.