Sports Bulletin
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Sports Bulletin Vol.1, 2012


I. Sporting Achievements (1 - 31 December, 2011)

II. Other News

Badminton team wins 2 bronze medals at the Yonex - Sunrise Syed Modi Memorial India Open Grand Prix Gold

The Hong Kong badminton team won 2 bronze medals at the Yonex - Sunrise Syed Modi Memorial India Open Grand Prix Gold held on 20-25 December 2011 in Lucknow, India.

Athlete Event Medal
Chan Tsz-ka Women’s Singles Bronze
Wong Wing-ki Men’s Singles Bronze

Cycling team wins 9 medals at the ACC Track Asia Cup

The Hong Kong cycling team won 6 gold and 3 silver medals at the ACC Track Asia Cup held on 16 - 18 December 2011 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Athlete Event Medal
Leung Bo-yee Sprint, Women Junior Gold
Wu Lok-chun 1km Time Trial, Men Junior Silver
Leung Chun-wing Points Race, Men Junior Gold
Wu Lok-chun Sprint, Men Junior Silver
Lee Wai-sze 500m Time Trial, Women Gold
Lee Wai-sze Keirin, Women Gold
Meng Zhaojuan Omnium, Women Silver
Lee Wai-sze Sprint, Women Gold
Lee Wai-sze Team Sprint, Women Gold

Squash athlete Ma Tsz-hei wins a gold medal at the MILO/PRINCE KL Junior International Open Squash Championship

Squash athlete Ma Tsz-hei won a gold medal in the Boys under 17 event at the MILO/PRINCE KL Junior International Open Squash Championship held on 14 - 18 December 2011 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

  Fourth from right : Ma Tsz-hei

Squash athlete Chan Ho-ling wins a silver medal at the Crocodile Squash Challenge Cup

Squash athlete Chan Ho-ling won a silver medal in the Women’s Singles event at the Crocodile Squash Challenge Cup held on 13 - 18 December 2011 in Hong Kong.

  Front row, first from left: Chan Ho-ling

Table tennis team wins 2 medals at the ITTF PTT Asian and Oceanic Table Tennis Regional Championships for the Disabled

The Hong Kong table tennis team won a gold and a bronze medal at the ITTF PTT Asian and Oceanic Table Tennis Regional Championships for the Disabled held on 14 - 21 December 2011 in Hong Kong.

Athlete Event Medal
Choy Hing-lam
(The Hong Kong Paralympic Committee & Sports Association for the Physically Disabled)
Men’s Singles TT6 Bronze
Yeung Chi-ka
(Hong Kong Sports Association for the Mentally Handicapped)
Women's Single TT11 Gold
Second from right: Choy Hing-lam

(Photo provided by the Hong Kong Paralympic Committee & Sports Association for the Physically Disabled)
Middle: Yeung Chi-ka

(Photo provided by the Hong Kong Paralympic Committee & Sports Association for the Physically Disabled)

Elite results roundup (1 - 30 November, 2011)
  Name Event Position / No. Of Entries
China National Junior Road Championship Leung Wing-yee Individual Road Race, Women 3rd/ 12
(5/11/2011, Chengdu, China)  
  Fung Pak-hei Individual Road Race, Men 3rd/ 38
  Lau Wan-hei Individual Road Race, Men 1st/ 38
  Fung Yuk-ki Individual Time Trial, Women 3rd/ 18
  Leung Wing-yee Individual Time Trial, Women 2nd/ 18
  Leung Ka-yu Individual Time Trial, Men 2nd/ 44
National Individual Championship of Artistic Gymnastics Wong Hiu-ying Women's Vault 2nd/ 31
(14/11/2011, Hong Kong, China)  
Macau Open  Chan Ho-ling Women's Singles 1st/ 24
(8/11/2011, Macau, China)  
Cathay Pacific Sun Hung Kai Financial Hong Kong Open  Au Wing-chi Women's Singles 3rd/ 52
(13/11/2011, Hong Kong, China)  
FINA Swimming World Cup - Singapore Station Wong Kai-wai Men - 400m Freestyle 3rd/ 16
(4/11/2011, Singapore)  
Table Tennis  
Liebherr World Team Cup Jiang Huajun, Lee Ho-ching,
Ng Wing-nam, Tie Yana,
Yu Kwok-see
Women's Team 3rd/ 12
(3/11/2011, Magdeburg, Germany)  
Volkswagen World Junior Table Tennis Championships Doo Hoi-kem, Li Ching-wan,
Ng Ka-yee, Soo Wai-yam
Junior Girls' Team 3rd/ 20
(13/11/2011, Manama, Bahrain)

HKSI’s latest Annual Report available online

The HKSI has published its Annual Report for 2010-11, which provides a comprehensive account of its sporting achievements and work over the period. To view the report, please click here.

500 future elites take part in charity run

Organised by the Hong Kong Elite Athletes Association and co-organised by the Hong Kong Sports Institute (HKSI), the Future Elites Forum & Charity Run was successfully held on 31 December 2011. More than 500 school athletes were reviewed by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Chief Executive Donald Tsang and took part in the charity run. In addition, the future elites were taken on a tour of the elite training facilities at the HKSI, while their parents attended seminars on elite training lifestyles.

HKSAR Chief Executive Donald Tsang fired the starting gun with other guests to signal the start of the charity run. Seminar for parents
Tour of the HKSI’s elite training facilities

(Photos provided by the Hong Kong Elite Athletes Association)

Daniel Lee officiates opening of TISSOT Flagship Store

With his healthy image, retired triathlete Daniel Lee is constantly sought after by the commercial sector. He was recently invited to officiate at the TISSOT Flagship Store Opening Ceremony on 6 December 2011.

  From left: Lenna Wan, Michael Tse, Fala Chen and Daniel Lee

NSCA CPT and CSCS Preparatory Course and Examination in the HKSI

A preparatory course for NSCA-CPT and NSCA-CSCS was held at the HKSI from 19 November to 11 December 2011, followed by examinations on 17 December 2011. The course attracted over 40 candidates who came from the Philippines, Mainland China and Hong Kong. This collaborative programme enhances the professional status of the HKSI in sports coaches training and created exchange opportunities with nearby Asian countries.

New titles at the Sports Information Centre (SIC)
Exercise physiology : nutrition, energy, and human performance
(SIC call no.: QP301 .M375 2010)
The book includes an extensive coverage of exercise physiology, uniting topics on nutrition, energy delivery and utilization, exercise performance and environmental stress, weight management as well as aging and disease prevention. It combines informative content with easy-to-interpret illustrations and charts. With a companion website, the reader can gain access to animations illustrating human physiology concepts visually. This book is an indispensable resource for all readers interested in exercise physiology.
Fitness and exercise sourcebook
(SIC call no.: GV436 .F53 2011)
This book not only provides tips for overcoming motivational obstacles, injury prevention, and nutrition to exercise, but also describes how to apply fitness into daily activities and make exercise as a fun element in life. The new edition has added the latest findings on exercise benefits to health, guidelines on physical activity for all age groups, relationship between mental health and fitness, and special concerns for people with various underlying medical conditions. There is a comprehensive glossary of fitness terms and a directory of fitness resources which serves as a useful reference to athletes, coaches and anyone who is interested in fitness and exercise.