HKSI Redevelopment Ground Breaking Ceremony Marks a Milestone for Elite Sports Development
The Ground Breaking Ceremony of the Hong Kong Sports Institute (HKSI) Redevelopment today has marked the start of construction for a modern world-class training centre for our elite athletes and athletes with disability, signifying a new milestone of elite sports development in Hong Kong. Tsang Tak-sing, Secretary for Home Affairs, officiated at the ground breaking ceremony and commemorated this historical moment with over 150 guests from Government, the District Councils, sports sector, local community and elite athletes and coaches, who have been much valued partners since the planning and consultation of HKSI redevelopment project. Other officiating guests included Vivien Lau Chiang-chu, Vice President of the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China, Professor Frank Fu Hoo-kin, Vice Chairman of the Elite Sports Committee, Wai Kwok-hung, Chairman of the Sha Tin District Council, Man Chen-fai, Vice Chairman of the Tai Po District Council, Kwok Chun-wah, Chairman of the District Facilities Committee of the Sham Shui Po District Council, Marigold Lau Lai Siu-wan, Deputy Director of Architectural Services and Dr Eric Li Ka-cheung, Chairman of HKSI. Speaking at the ceremony, Dr Eric Li extended his heartfelt thanks to all the guests and announced the commencement of works at the Fo Tan venue. "With our mission to provide elite training systems to develop elite athletes, the HKSI is excited to take today's new challenge of redevelopment, leading to a new world-class and barrier-free training environment to enable gifted athletes to pursue excellence in the international sporting arena." "Today marks a new chapter for both the HKSI and Hong Kong elite sports development. With continuous support from all our partners, I am confident that with this redevelopment, the HKSI will be even better placed to prepare Hong Kong's athletes to strive for more medals for Hong Kong in the international arena.'' added Dr Li. The HKSI redevelopment is a HK$1.7 billion project. The construction works will be in three phases. Phase one works, including the refurbishment of the existing indoor sports complex and the construction of a temporary velodrome at Whitehead, now commences and is expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2010. Phase two consists of the foundation works for the new buildings and is scheduled to commence in mid-2009. Phase three consists of the superstructural works of the new buildings. When the whole project is completed in 2012, the facilities will include a new 52m international standard indoor swimming pool (connected with existing 25m pool), a multi-purpose sports hall with a 12-lane bowling centre, a venue for training of wushu and two double squash courts (convertible to three singles courts), eight tennis courts (including two covered tennis courts and two clay tennis courts), as well as a 9-storey multi-purpose building with a conference centre, athletes' hostel and sports residence for visiting athletes. Existing facilities for table tennis, fencing, badminton, the sports science laboratories, the sports medicine clinic, the fitness training centre with an expanded, integrated recovery centre, will all be upgraded to provide world-class standard facilities for elite training with integrated sports facilities for athletes with disablilities.