Elite Sport Training Summit 2011 Enhances Mutual Exchange within Asian Region
Five experts in elite sports training shared their insights for 21st century elite sport training today with over 150 specialists, coaches, athletes, scientists, officials and administrators at a symposium held today (18 March) at the Hong Kong Sports Institute (HKSI). Themed “Elite sport training in the 21st century: Creating new insights and partnerships for co-development” and organised by the HKSI, the symposium is the highlight of the Elite Sport Training Summit 2011 which aims to provide an opportunity for leaders of participating institutes in Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore to discuss ways to enhance cooperation among the three entities and promote mutual exchange of knowledge, expertise and best practices on elite sport training. There are five speakers at the Symposium including Dr Trisha Leahy, Chief Executive, HKSI; YBhg. Dato’ Dr. Ramlan bin Abdul Aziz, Director General, National Sports Institute of Malaysia (ISN); Robert Gambardella, Chief, Sports Development Group & Singapore Sports Institute (SSI), Singapore Sports Council (SSC); Abdul Rashid bin Aziz, Head, Performance Physiology – SSI, SSC; and Abdul Rahman Hassan, Director, NSA Management, SSC. Dr Trisha Leahy shared with the audience on the HKSI’s strategic development of an internationally benchmarked elite sport system delivery model with critical success factors and their application to the Hong Kong context identified and explored. YBhg. Dato’ Dr. Ramlan bin Abdul Aziz discussed with participants the directions and strategies for growth of the ISN. In addition to adopting an integrated approach towards performance enhancement, injury prevention and management through High Performance Team since its inception in 1983, the scope of ISN’s works have been widened to include new disciplines including Sports Technology and new directions such as setting up the Research and Innovation Department to obtain a holistic approach in achieving national sports objectives. He also mentioned an important collaboration with the Sports Department of the Education Ministry in the past few years and an overview of future development of the ISN. Robert Gambardella led the SSC presentation on “Singapore Sports Council: High performance structure and the development of the Singapore Sports Institute 2011 - 2014 and beyond”. He pointed out how a fully integrated seamless system which contemplates effective and efficient use of science, medicine, research and development, organisational development and other disciplines has a profound effect on success at all levels of a high performance system, giving an example of the inaugural Youth Olympics held last August in Singapore. With an aim of getting medals at the 2012 and 2016 Olympic Games, the speakers further explained the development of a “team around the team” paradigm which is the fundamental bedrock of the Singapore high performance system.