HKSI New Sport Facilities Soft Opening
The Hong Kong Sports Institute (HKSI) New Sports Facilities Soft Opening was held earlier today (22 June) at the 52m International Standard Indoor Swimming Pool. Officiating guests of the ceremony included Mr Tsang Tak-sing GBS JP, Secretary for Home Affairs; HKSI Chairman Mr Carlson Tong JP, Dr Eric Li GBS OBE JP, former Chairman of the HKSI and Mr Pang Chung SBS, Hon Secretary General of the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China (SF&OC). HKSI Chairman Mr Tong was very pleased to see the new sport facilities nearing completion. He said, "It took great effort from different parties to realise the Redevelopment Project from planning to the current status, thanks to the HK$1.8 billion funding from the Government, and the collaborated support from the Home Affairs Bureau, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Architectural Services Department, SF&OC, National Sports Associations, as well as all members of the HKSI Board and Redevelopment Project Steering Committee." The new 52m Indoor Swimming Pool is located next to the main gate of the HKSI and linked up with the new Rowing Boathouse as well as the existing Sports Complex by a covered elevated walkway. It will also be connected with the refurbished existing 25m swimming pool to form an integrated swimming complex. Athletes and coaches are delighted with the new facilities. Swimmer Sze Hang-yu said, "The new 52m pool, up to international standard, can be used as a 50m international standard pool or divided into two 25m pools by a movable bulk head for different training needs. The marshall areas around the pool give us more space for warm up and fitness training. Scientific equipment will be installed to collect data and facilitate training analyses. I am sure the new set-up will enhance athletes' sporting performance in the future." The HKSI Redevelopment works began in 2009, and on full completion will provide world-class, barrier-free and environmentally friendly training facilities for elite athletes to assist them in the pursuit of excellence in the international sporting arena. The existing facilities for table tennis, fencing, badminton, sports science centre, sports medicine centre, and fitness training centre and sports recovery centre have already been renovated to world standards. New buildings in the Redevelopment Project include the 52m Indoor Swimming Pool, the Rowing Boathouse, the Multi-purpose Sports Hall and the 9-storey Multi-purpose Building.