HKSI Welcomes Western Harbour Tunnel's Sponsorship on Elite Coaching Apprenticeship Programme
Western Harbour Tunnel Company Limited (WHTCL) announces today their sponsorship of the Hong Kong Sports Institute’s (HKSI) Elite Coaching Apprenticeship Programme (ECAP). A cash sponsorship of HK$380,000 will be offered to the programme in support of Hong Kong elite athletes’ transition from being an athlete to a professional coach. At the Western Harbour Tunnel Elite Coaching Apprenticeship Programme cheque presentation ceremony today, Mr Carlson Tong JP, Chairman of the HKSI sent the deepest gratitude to WHTCL for their generous support for Hong Kong athletes. He said, “With the generous sponsorship from WHTCL, the HKSI will be able to better equip Hong Kong athletes for their post-athletic retirement and facilitate their career transition into professional coaching. We hope that in the future, there will be many further business enterprises following the great example of WHTCL in supporting programmes that benefit Hong Kong elite athletes. Together we hope our efforts can inspire parents in Hong Kong to encourage their talented sons and daughters to become elite Hong Kong athletes.” Mr Vernon Moore, Chairman of WHTCL said, “We are proud of playing a role in the career transition of Hong Kong elite athletes. Our Company believes the power in sports that keeps the city alive and healthy. We will continue to provide ongoing support and sponsorship to institutions that make our city a better place, like the HKSI.” The ECAP was first implemented in 2008 by the HKSI and has strived to help Hong Kong elite athletes, who have plans to retire in the coming two years, to gain practical experience and skills of coaching profession in preparation for their post-athletic retirement. Under the ECAP, selected elite athletes will receive professional training and learn a variety of coaching skills such as practical coaching, report writing and event management in order to meet future career challenges. The eligible athletes should have been a HKSI Scholarship Athlete for a minimum of eight years with outstanding sporting achievement internationally. Recent participants of the programme include the multiple-time medallists windsurfing coach Chan King-yin and karatedo athlete Chan Ka-man. Chan King-yin who achieved 6th place in the 2008 Olympic Games retired from his highly accomplished athletic career through joining the ECAP in 2011. With the help of the programme, he has successfully turned into a coach. He said, “The programme has taught me how to communicate better with young athletes and pass on my experience and windsurfing knowledge to them effectively. I would like to thank WHTCL for sponsoring the programme, enhancing the chance of athletes who are in their transition to the coaching profession in gaining job opportunities.” Chan Ka-man, medallist of the recent three Asian Games, is now a part-time karatedo athlete. She joined the ECAP this year and is happy to devote more time to study coaching. She said, “The programme has helped me achieve my coaching dream one step forward. I am now able to build a solid foundation of coaching skills, hoping to nurture more young and talented athletes to join major international competitions for Hong Kong in the near future.”