HKSI Main Building Opening Ceremony and Asian Conference on Sports Science Vibrant Hong Kong Athletes’ Home
With the HKSAR Government’s HK$1.8 billion funding support, the Hong Kong Sports Institute (HKSI) Redevelopment Project has reached a significant milestone with the completion of the new avant-garde HKSI Main Building. To commemorate this historic moment, the HKSI is honoured to have the Honourable C Y Leung GBM GBS JP, the Chief Executive of the HKSAR, to officiate at the Opening Ceremony being held today at its Fo Tan headquarters.
Other officiating guests included Mr Carlson Tong JP, Chairman of the HKSI; The Honourable Tsang Tak-sing GBS JP, Secretary for Home Affairs; Mr Timothy Fok GBS JP, President of the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China; Professor Frank Fu MH JP, Chairman of Elite Sports Committee; Mr Ho Hau-cheung BBS MH, Chairman of Shatin District Council; Mrs Betty Fung JP, Director of Leisure and Cultural Services; and Mr Stephen Tang JP, Deputy Director of Architectural Services.
The Honourable CY Leung unveiled the plaque to officially open the new HKSI Main Building which provides upgraded facilities and professional services designed to enhance the development of Hong Kong elite athlete training. Mr Carlson Tong, Chairman of the HKSI said, “The Building symbolises the growing dynamism of elite sports development in Hong Kong, providing integrated facilities for elite sports administration, international exchanges and most importantly, a new comfortable home for our elite athletes to help them focus on training to achieve their best at every major competition.”
The new 9-storey Main Building is the central icon of the HKSI after Redevelopment. It includes offices, a lecture theatre with 400 seats, a hostel for 370 athletes and a sports residence for 148 visitors.
Mr Tong also expressed gratitude to all parties who have partnered with HKSI throughout the Redevelopment Project, “The construction of this wonderful HKSI Main Building and all the new world-class sports facilities would not have been possible without the unstinting support of the Government and those who have always supported the development of Hong Kong’s elite sports. I would like to give special thanks to the Home Affairs Bureau, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Architectural Services Department, the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China, the District Councils, National Sports Associations, HKSI Board of Directors, members of the HKSI Redevelopment Project Steering Committee and all colleagues who have helped to make this happen.”
Following the Main Building Opening Ceremony, the Asian Conference on Sports Science (Conference) 2013 also commenced in the new Lecture Theatre.
The two-day Conference is jointly organised by China Institute of Sport Science (CISS), Japan Institute of Sports Sciences (JISS) and Korea Institute of Sport Science (KISS) and is this year hosted by the HKSI. Experts and professionals from mainland China, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Qatar, Germany, Netherlands, Australia, Canada and Hong Kong have come together to present and speak at the Conference. The theme of the Conference is “Sport Science and Elite Training Programme for World Class Performance”. It provides the platform of academic exchange for experts in the fields of scientific support in elite training, conditioning, sport information and sport-for-all.
Both the HKSI Main Building and Asian Conference on Sports Science 2013 opening ceremonies have been named signature events of “Vibrant Hong Kong” as part of the “Hong Kong: Our Home” Campaign launched by the HKSAR Government. The Campaign aims to inject positive energy into society, foster social cohesion and promote care, mutual help and solidarity in the community.
For more information about the HKSI Redevelopment Project, please visit