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HKSI Signed MOUs with Sichuan Orthopaedic Hospital and Sports Authority of Thailand to Further Sports Science Support to Hong Kong Athletes

14 February 2015

The Memorandum of Understanding is signed by Dr Trisha Leahy BBS, Chief Executive of the HKSI (3rd left) and Mr. Yu Yaming, President of Sichuan Orthopaedic Hospital (2nd left), and witnessed by Professor Yang Tianle, Honorary Chairman of the Branch of Sport Medicine of China Sport Science Society (1st left); Mr Tony Yue MH JP, Chairman of Elite Sports Committee (3rd right), Miss Petty Lai, Principal Assistant Secretary (Recreation & Sport)(2nd right) and Mr Vincent Chiu, Chief Executive Officer (Recreation & Sport)(1st right) from the Home Affairs Bureau.

International exchanges with Asian counterparts are an integral part of providing quality elite training for Hong Kong athletes. The HKSI signed two Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) to strengthen its international collaborations.  A MOU with the Sichuan Orthopaedic Hospital and another with the Sports Authority of Thailand (SAT) were signed during the HKSI International Sports Science Symposium sponsored by Mr Ming Wai Lau which was held on 16 –17 January at the HKSI.  Representatives from the two visiting organisations also attended the Symposium to further their knowledge of sports medicine.

Sichuan Orthopaedic Hospital
The HKSI was honoured to have Mr Tony Yue MH JP, Chairman of the Elite Sports Committee and Professor Yang Tianle, Honorary Chairman of the Branch of Sport Medicine of the China Sport Science Society, witness the signing of the agreement by Mr Yu Yaming, President of Sichuan Orthopaedic Hospital and Dr Trisha Leahy BBS, Chief Executive of the HKSI on 16 January 2015.

Mr Yue expressed, “Hong Kong athletes have been doing a great job in the international sporting arena.  These impressive accomplishments are attributable to a combination of critical success factors, of which, I firmly believe, international exchanges play an important role.  The new collaboration with Sichuan Orthopaedic Hospital can provide high standard medical care to Hong Kong’s elite athletes.”

Dr Leahy greatly appreciated the collaboration, and added, “Our exchanges with the Hospital, formerly known as Chengdu Sports Injury Institute, started in 1999. The Sichuan Orthopaedic Hospital’s expertise in applying Traditional Chinese Medicine in orthopaedic treatment is held in the highest regard in China and we are delighted to designate it as an “Hong Kong Sports Institute Scholarship Athlete Rehabilitation Hospital” for medical treatment, consultation and rehabilitation.”

Sprinter Tang Yik-chun, who visited the Sichuan Orthopaedic Hospital through the HKSI Sichuan Chengdu Sports Exchange Tour in 2014, shared, “I truly welcome the collaboration between the HKSI and the Sichuan Orthopaedic Hospital because elite athletes undergo intensive training and will inevitably suffer from injuries.  The collaboration provides another medical alternative for us if we get injured during training or competitions in the Mainland.”    

Sports Authority of Thailand
On 19 January 2015, the HKSI was privileged to have Dr James Lam JP, member of the HKSI Board of Directors, witness the formalisation of the collaboration between the HKSI and the SAT at an exchange meeting held with the Thai delegation led by Mr Vissanu Laichapis, Director of Sports Research and Development Division of the SAT.

Mr Laichapis was very pleased with the collaboration and said, “The HKSI is a good example for a complete sports complex equipped with efficient sports services for athletes, including sports science and technology. Its athlete care and training programmes are excellent guidelines for us and we can apply these valuable ideas to the sports development in Thailand.  Furthermore, regular exchanges can create more chances and choices for athletes to improve themselves to meet international standards and learn active lifestyles of athletes in other countries.  The concept of complete sports management can also be used with our potential sports at the same time.”

Dr Lam said after the meeting, “Our partnership with the SAT is meaningful and an important milestone and it is the first agreement we have signed with our Thailand counterparts.  Both the SAT and the HKSI share the same vision of pursuing sporting excellence. The collaboration consolidates exchanges in different areas, while both organisations learn from each other’s valuable experience in order to make solid contributions to elite sports development.”

Tim He, Head Badminton Coach of the HKSI also welcomed the collaboration with SAT. He sent badminton player Lee Cheuk-yiu to Thailand for a three-week training last June for preparation of the Nanjing Youth Olympic Games. He said, “Thailand badminton level is progressing and the hot and humid weather, which is very similar to that of Nanjing, served as a good pre-Games preparation.  Besides, Lee also got an invaluable opportunity to play with players from different countries, including 20-year-old Ratchanok Intanon of Thailand, the 2013 world champion in women’s singles, which definitely broadened his scope.”