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Local School Teachers Enrich Sports Knowledge at the Hongkong Bank Foundation School Coach Seminar

28 March 2011

Speaker Shirley Leung, Curriculum Development Officer, Physical Education Section, Education Bureau (EDB) shared with the participants the tips on school activities risk management, which drawn overwhelming response. Read More

Speaker Chan Chun-kit, Physical Education Panel Head, Ko Lui Secondary School, quoted his school as an example on how to apply risk assessment factors successfully when organising physical education and co-curricular activities. Read More

Due to the implementation of the new senior secondary academic structure and curriculum, local schools are organising an increasing number of physical education and co-curricular activities in other learning areas, and teachers are facing an unprecedented challenges in handling emergency cases resulted. The chance of student gets injured can be minimised if planning and preparation are being started early. Thus, the Hong Kong Coaching Committee (HKCC) invited two speakers to share with the participated teachers their personal knowledge and experience at the “School Activities Risk Management & Sharing” seminar held on 18 February at the Hong Kong Sports Institute.

The first part of the seminar was led by Shirley Leung, Curriculum Development Officer, Physical Education Section, Education Bureau (EDB). Leung briefly mentioned the updated guidelines on outdoor activities issued by the EDB, some important points to note and elements for risk assessment when organising co-curricular activities. Leung further took athletics and gymnastics as the examples to elaborate the key points on risk management for different sports. Weather, in particular, was an important factor to take into account.  Last but not least, Leung, previously as a school teacher, shared with the participants her valuable experience and some difficulties when leading the school team in the past, which received positive response from all participating teachers.

The second part was a case study delivered by Chan Chun-kit, Physical Education Panel Head, Ko Lui Secondary School.  Chan shared his experience on how to apply risk assessment factors when planning school activities. The school has organised different kinds of talent subjects including athletics, Chinese musical instruments, dancing and drama to build up students’ confidence, communication skill and creativity.  Chan cited athletics as an example to bring out the six important factors in risk management which were venue, transportation of equipment, weather, student, coach and teacher. His sharing helped all the participants to have clearer understanding on the importance of risk assessment when planning sports and co-curricular activities.

Participants came from different schools in Hong Kong including Chan Hon-por of Buddhist Sum Heung Lam Memorial College and Chow Kwok-ming of Po Leung Kuk C W Chu College and all of them found the seminar beneficial and practical to their teaching.  Chan said, “The seminar touches on different aspects of the topic, I get a lot of insight from it.  I strongly urge the HKCC to widen its scope to organise other types of activities in the future.”  Chow echoed Chan’s view and said, “The speakers are very experienced and the examples quoted are very practical too.  I can apply what I learned here to my school right away.”

The HKCC has launched training courses in 10 sports through the School Coach Continuing Education Programme since 1998.  Based on the need and with an aim to provide knowledge update to local school coaches and teachers, the HKCC has revamped the mode of continued education by organising different kinds of school coach seminars starting this year.

The HKCC was set up in 1991 and the Hong Kong Coach Education Programme (HKCEP) has been funded by the Hongkong Bank Foundation with a total commitment of more than HK$23 million since 1992. Throughout the years, over 60,000 coaches have benefited from the training and recognition programmes in the HKCEP. Apart from the Hongkong Bank Foundation School Coach seminar, other major components of the HKCEP include Hongkong Bank Foundation Coach Accreditation Programme, Hongkong Bank Foundation Continuing Coach Education Programme, Hongkong Bank Foundation School Coach Accreditation Programme, and Hongkong Bank Foundation Coaching Awards.

For further information of the HKCEP or School Coach seminar, please visit the HKCC’s website at, or call the hotline on 2681-6888.