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HKSI Announces Carlson Tong as New Chairman

12 April 2012

The Hong Kong Sports Institute (HKSI) announced today that Mr Carlson Tong Ka-shing assumes the post of Chairman, Mr Matthias Li Sing-chung as Vice-Chairman and Dr Kelvin Wong Tin-yau as Board of Director. The term of appointment will be from 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2013 and the membership list of the new Board of Directors of the HKSI is as follows:

Mr Carlson Tong Ka-shing JP

Mr Matthias Li Sing-chung
Mr Tang Kwai-nang BBS JP

Dr Julian Chang Wai MH
Mr Bobby Cheng Kam-wing JP
Dr Kenneth Chu Ting-kin
Mr Adam Koo
Mr Karl Kwok Chi-leung MH
Mr Lam Cheuk-yum
Dr James Lam JP
Dr Hon Lam Tai-fai BBS JP
Ms Vivien Lau Chiang-chu BBS JP
Mr Michael Lee Tze-hau
Mr Jonathan McKinley JP
Ms Winnie Ng
Ms Malina Ngai Man-lin
Dr Kelvin Wong Tin-yau
Mr Thomas Wu
Ms Lisa Yip Sau-wah JP

Mr Tong will replace the incumbent, Dr Eric Li Ka-cheung who has been the HKSI Chairman since 2005. Being a fellow member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and former chairman of KPMG Asia Pacific and China, Mr Tong has been serving the HKSI Board and its Corporate Management Committee since 2005. In 2011/12, Mr Tong was appointed as one of the Vice-Chairmen of the HKSI.

Mr Tong said, "I am delighted and honoured with the appointment which is an exciting new challenge for me. The HKSAR Government is investing some HK$1.8 billion in the HKSI's Redevelopment Project to provide a fully accessible and sophisticated state-of-the-art elite training facilities for Hong Kong's elite athletes. We will need to match this investment through the sustained delivery of key outcomes - medals on the world stage. The Government's HK$7 billion dollar Elite Athletes Development Fund will provide us the resources to realise this goal. The Board and I will work together with our partners, the Home Affairs Bureau, Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China, and the National Sports Associations, to lead the HKSI to fully implement its 2011-15 Strategic Direction which is the blueprint and foundation for the delivery of a sustainable world class elite sport training system for Hong Kong."

Mr Tong paid tribute to outgoing Chairman Dr Eric Li. "Under the leadership of Dr Li, the HKSI has undergone milestone developments which will leave a lasting legacy for the future. His significant contributions will undoubtedly be remembered by athletes, coaches, and our sports sector partners for many years to come," Mr Tong added.