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A. Kwok Sports Aerodynamics Science Initiative – HKSI & HKUST Join Hands to Enhance Performance of Cycling Team

23 April 2021

SHKP Executive Director Mr Adam Kwok Kai-fai donated HK$6 million in 2019 to the Sports Aerodynamics Science Initiative Project in addition to the Innovation and Technology Fund from the Innovation and Technology Commission of the HKSAR Government in 2019, jointly launched by the HKSI and HKUST. Over the past two years, the HKSI and HKUST teams actively conducted cycling tests and resistance tests for cyclists, as well as developing low-resistance suits for the Hong Kong team. A tour was organised to let the media have a glimpse of the progress of the Project.

Sun Hung Kai Properties (SHKP) Executive Director Mr Adam Kwok Kai-fai donated HK$6 million to the Sports Aerodynamics Science Initiative Project in addition to the Innovation and Technology Fund from the Innovation and Technology Commission of the HKSAR Government in 2019, jointly launched by the HKSI and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). Over the past two years, the HKSI and HKUST teams actively conducted cycling tests and resistance tests for cyclists, as well as developing low-resistance suits for the Hong Kong Cycling Team, in order to help enhance their performances in the Tokyo Olympics.

Dr David Chung JP, Under Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Mr Adam Kwok, Executive Director of SHKP, Dr Trisha Leahy SBS BBS, Chief Executive of the HKSI, Mr Shen Jinkang BBS MH, Head Cycling Coach of the HKSI, Prof Cheng Kwang-ting, Dean of Engineering of HKUST and Prof Zhang Xin, Chair Professor of Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of HKUST attended the press conference to share the updates of the Project. Dr Raymond So, Director of Elite Training Science and Technology of the HKSI, Dr Chan Kwok-ki MH, Vice-chairman of The Cycling Association of Hong Kong, China Limited and elite cycling athlete Lee Wai-sze also attended to show their support of the Project.

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To help enhance cyclists’ performances in the Tokyo Olympics, the HKSI and the HKUST teams actively conducted cycling tests and resistance tests for cyclists, as well as developing low-resistance suits for the Hong Kong Team in the past two years. Elite cycling athlete Lee Wai-sze participated in the Sports Aerodynamics Science Initiative Project.

Mr Kwok said, "The initiative has been on-going for two years, in two major directions: First, as we all know, winning or losing in a cycling race comes down to a difference of split seconds. Hence one area is the research and development of equipment that reduces wind-drag or improves riding posture, with a view to enable the Hong Kong team to shave precious seconds off record time, increasing their speed and chances of winning. Second, to help Hong Kong become an international innovation and technology hub by integrating technology into sports and accelerating innovation in sports science. In addition to helping the Hong Kong team, we also hope to cooperate with the National team in the future. Despite the delay of the Tokyo Olympics until this July, the fighting spirit of the team remains unfettered over the past two years, with the team successfully developing techniques and technology that reduces wind drag in different ways. I am extremely grateful for the efforts put in by the HKSI and HKUST’s research teams in the past two years, especially Coach Shen and Dr So of the HKSI, and Prof Zhang from HKUST."

Dean of Engineering Prof Cheng expressed his gratitude to Mr Adam Kwok, “We are truly grateful for Mr Kwok’s support in setting up the Sports Aerodynamics Science Initiative Project in 2019, in collaboration with the HKSI, allowing our state-of-the-art research to make an impact in the global arena. Under the leadership of Prof Zhang Xin, the team applies technology in Formula One racing cars and aerospace engineering to improve the cyclists’ performance in competitions. The joint efforts mark a major step forward to integrate research and innovation into sports Hong Kong people are proud of.”

Dr Leahy said, “The application of sports science has become a must-do for all sports powerhouse if they want to stay at the forefront in today’s sporting world. In the past two years, the Project has conducted a series of tests for the cycling team to fortify the elite training outcomes, thus enhancing their competitiveness in the international competitions. I am delighted to see that the application of sports aerodynamics technology can also benefit sports other than cycling, the Project is kicking off cooperation with the windsurfing team recently. I look forward to receiving more good news on athletes’ outstanding achievements soon.”

The Project is a joint effort by Dr Raymond So’s sports science team and Prof Zhang’s team. Prof Zhang said the University is happy to contribute to Hong Kong’s sporting arena with technology.  “During the cooperation with the HKSI in the past two years, we have done various tests and development for the cycling team in terms of cycling equipment, clothing, and posture, through wind tunnel tests and numerical simulations. We will continue to work closely with the HKSI in the future to apply more research output in competitions and apply the technology to other sports.”

Coach Shen said, “I am glad that the tri-party collaboration can help strengthen the training quality of the team. We are preparing for three events and the progress is satisfactory, I hope athletes can fully demonstrate their training outcomes in the Olympics.”

Elite cyclist Lee Wai-sze echoed, “As an elite athlete, I am excited to be part of this Project. The wind tunnel and the sports aerodynamics technology help boost my overall performance and deliver our fullest potential in the competitions.”

In addition to the research on improving the postures of cyclists through sports aerodynamics technology, the HKSI and HKUST will continue their effort to research on low resistant gears to help enhance athletes’ performance.

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