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Sports for Hope Foundation Outstanding Junior Athlete Awards 2017 Honours 21 Young Sportsmen in the 2nd Quarter

14 September 2017

The winners of the Sports for Hope Foundation Outstanding Junior Athlete Awards of 2nd quarter 2017 include: (from left, back row) Yip Kin-ling and Robbie James Joaquin Capito (Billiard Sports), the Hong Kong National U21s Netball Team, (from 3rd right, front row) Ng Wing-lam (Table Tennis), Shing Cho-yan and Chan Pui-kei (Athletics), Yim Ching-hei and Nikki Tang (Athletics – Hong Kong Sports Association for Persons with Intellectual Disability). The recipients of the Certificate of Merit are Cheng Ho-yin (Windsurfing) (1st right, front row) and Chan Cheuk-lam (Gymnastics) (2nd right, front row). Meanwhile, (from left, front row) Ng Hoi-ying and Chan Ming-fai (Canoe) and Wong Cheuk-hei and Wong Hei-tung (Dancesport) were presented the Certificate of Appreciation.

Organised by the Hong Kong Sports Institute (HKSI), the Sports for Hope Foundation (SFHF) Outstanding Junior Athlete Awards (OJAA) presentation ceremony for the 2nd quarter of 2017 was held at the HKSI today.  Twenty one junior athletes were awarded for their outstanding performance in this quarter, and the awarded Netball Team delivered a demonstration during the event.

Officiating guests included Miss Marie-Christine Lee, founder of the SFHF; Mr Pui Kwan-kay SBS MH, Vice-President of the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China (SF&OC); Miss Chui Wai-wah, Committee Member of the Hong Kong Sports Press Association (HKSPA); and Dr Trisha Leahy BBS, Chief Executive of the HKSI.

The recipients were Chan Pui-kei and Shing Cho-yan (Athletics), Robbie James Joaquin Capito and Yip Kin-ling (Billiard Sports), the Hong Kong National U21s Netball Team, Chong Kai-ning and Ng Wing-lam (Table Tennis), Denton Ho and Lam Ching (Tennis), and Nikki Tang and Yim Ching-hei (Athletics – Hong Kong Sports Association for Persons with Intellectual Disability).

Young sprinter Chan Pui-kei won her second OJAA title by winning two silver medals in the girls’ 100m and 200m events at the 2nd Asian Youth Athletics Championships.  She overcame the hot weather in Bangkok, Thailand and won two silvers with only 0.14 and 0.51 seconds left behind in 100m and 200m final respectively.  Chan said after the 100m race, “It is happy to win medals for Hong Kong.  Although the time is not very satisfying, I believe I can do better in the future and keep going.” Her teammate Shing Cho-yan won a bronze medal in girls’ 100m hurdles at the same competition and was named the Outstanding Junior Athlete for the first time.

Both started playing billiards at very young age, Robbie James Joaquin Capito and Yip Kin-ling were deeply influenced by their father.  Capito had his first mini pool table when he was a kid, “I feel regret that I could not win a gold medal earlier for my late father, so now I would try my utmost best in every competition for him.” he said.  For Yip, it was his father who brought him to the billiards world, and he thanked the Foundation for the Award, “This Award means a lot to me as it keeps my faith in future competitions.”

Denton Ho of tennis also expressed his appreciation to SFHF for giving him the encouragement and recognition.  He recalled one of his unforgettable moments just happened recently, “It was very memorable that I captured the doubles title in the ITF U18 Petit Camp Open in Mauritius, because on the way to capturing my first title I had to defeat some very tough opponents.  Before that I have missed in 5 straight consecutive semi-finals so eventually making it was a remarkable achievement for me.”

In addition, Chan Cheuk-lam (Gymnastics), Hung Cheuk-yi and Yu Shing-him (Triathlon), and Cheng Ho-yin (Windsurfing) were awarded the Certificate of Merit for this quarter.  To appreciate the hard work of other qualified junior athletes, the Certificate of Appreciation were presented to Chan Ming-fai and Ng Hoi-ying (Canoe), Wong Cheuk-hei and Wong Hei-tung (Dancesport).

Organised by the HKSI and sponsored by the Sports for Hope Foundation since 2012, with support from the SF&OC and the HKSPA, the OJAA recognises the achievements of outstanding local junior athletes under the age of 19 on a quarterly basis.  Each recipient is presented with a cash prize of HK$2,500, a sports voucher worth HK$2,500 and a certificate.  For teams, they will receive a cash award of HK$10,000, a sport voucher worth HK$10,000 and certificates.

The HKSI is the Government’s elite sport training systems delivery agent and is committed to provide an environment in which sports talent can be identified, nurtured, and developed to pursue excellence in the international sporting arena and to inspire potential athletes to pursue a full-time sports career.

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